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ranga marriage class 11 question answer

Ranga Marriage Class 11 Question Answer 


आज मै क्लास -11 क़े एक विषय :- ' English ( snapshot ) क़े एक अध्याय :-' Rangas Marriage ' क़े सभी प्रश्न का उत्तर ले कर आया हूँ, ये नोट्स आप सभी क़े लिए काफ़ी अधिक महत्वपूर्ण होने वाला है, इसलिए आप इसे अपने कॉपी मे नोट्स कर ले और अच्छे से याद कर ले,

Ranga Marriage Class 11 Question Answer

Q1:- Why was the narrator distressed when he come to know about rangas opinion on marriage?


The narrator had marrage already started thinking of Rangas Marriage .he though that he would make a good husband for ratne . but rangas has no plan of marry in near future . so the narrator was distressed when he come to know about rangas view on marriage .

Q2:-Describe the village Hosahalli.


Hosahalli was a small but beautiful village in mysore . it is so small that it is not indicated in the map . the village has some mango trees and a pond . people of hosahalli village are very simple but they are not educated.

Q3:- Describe the home coming of rangs why was it a great event in the villages?


Very few people from hosahalli village could speak english . rangas father was the first one who sents naturally , rangas whom coming was a great event for the villagers . people rushed to have a look of ranga . they were satisfied that he was the some ranga he had was the some ranga he had been six months ago. 

Q4:-Describe the role of the narrator in arranging the marriage of ranga and ratna.

'or '

how does the narrator arrange the marriage of ranga and ratna?


'The narrator place an important role in arranging the marriage of ranga and ratna he asked rama raos wife to send ratna to his house . when ratna is singing he sangs for ranga. in this way he arrange the first meeting between ranga and ratna . then the narrator meets shastri and tells him about ranga and ratna. shastri tells him that a girl his ratna is the couse of ranga worry. after listening this ranga also except. that he waits to marry ratna . in this way he arrange the marrige of ranga and ratna.

Q5:- Comment on the influence of english the languages and the way of life on indian . life as reflected in the story what is the narrator attitude to english 


'The narrator believed that English language changes the way of life. People of hosahalli had firm believe in their comments. They were proud of their language and culture . but when English language becomes popular in their village people forget their own language and culture. they opt for the English way of life they use english words even when they were talking in their mother tung . ranga completely . he does not favour Early marriages . the narrator does not life these changes.

Q6:-Astrologers perceptions are based more on hearsay and conjecture than what they learn from the study of the stars . comment with reference to the story . 


Astrologers play on people emotions and feared .in the story rangas marriage the narrator had given all the information to shastri before talking rangas to him . shastri gaves answer on the basis of that information so he is able to give correct answer . this makes ranga believe in him in the end shastri himself says that he has said every thing on the basis of the information gives by the narrator.

Q7:- Indian society has moved a longs was form the way the marriage is arranged in the story . discuss.


The story rangas marrige is set in the time when arrange marriages and child marriages were .very common . when ranga says that he wants to marry a mature girl . the narrator becomes upset . in modern india marriages are stilll inprecties but the indian goverment has declare child marriages illegal . earlyer bride and groom had no said in marriage . today their cincent is take it in this way indian mariages have change alot in modern times.

Q8:-The narrator is ar charactor sketch of the narrator's.


The narrator shyama is a simple villager. he is proud of his village and every things realated to it . he is a conservative man - he want to preserve the language and culture of his village . he is a very clever man this becomes clear in the way in which he arrange rangas marriage . he is an outs spoken and citty person . he is a good judge af man as well as thime besides all this he is a very good story teller . in the end we can say that he is a caring person .

Answer The Following Question

Q1:- What does the world cardboard denote in the poem ? why has this word been used?


The word cardboard denote a photograph. This word has been used because the photograph is pasted on a cardboard . it is the photograph of poet mother when she has gone for a sea holiday with two cousins and her uncle .

Q2:-What has the camera captured?


The camera has captured a photograph of three girl on a sea holiday . The eldest one is the poets mother she is standing in the middle with her two cousins holding her each hand . 

Q3:-What has not changed over the years? Does this suggest something to you?


'The sea has not changed over the years. the scence it presented the nature .This suggest that nature is permanents but human life is short .People grow old and die . But the nature remains the same .

Q4:- The poets mother laughed at the snapshort? 

what did this laugh indicate.


This laughed indicated that she was happy to remember her childhood . She had gone for a see holiday with her two cousins . They were looking a very funny in those dresses .that is why the poets mother laught at the snapshots 

Q5:-What is the meaning of the line both way with the laboured case of loss.


The line both wry with the laboured ease of loss showa that both the poet and mother suffers a lost the mother miss her childhood .She can not have the moments of happiness that she experience as a young girl . She can not be a sweet smiling girl again . This is her loss. the poet willl never be able to hear her mother's daughter again.This the poets loss .Both of them to hight their pain.

Q6:-what does this circumstance refer to?


This circumstance refer to the death of poets mother.



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