आज मै क्लास 7 क़े एक विषय भूगोल ( geography ) क़े एक अध्याय ' THE ATMOSPHERE WEATHER AND CLIMATE' क़े सभी प्रश्न का उत्तर ले कर आया हूँ, आप इसे अपने कॉपी मे नोट्स कर ले, साथ ही याद कर ले।
Answer the Following Question
Q1:-What is the significance of lonosphere ?
Lonosphere:- it contains electrically charged particles called lons which help in transmitting communication signal radiowaves are sent back to the earth from this layer.
Q2:-explain convection.
air gets heated become lighter and rised transfer heat .
Q3:-which layer has the lowest temperature in the atmosphere and why ?
the lowest temperature in the atmosphere because it lowest and densest layer.
Q4:- explain the composition of atmosphere ?
the composition of atmosphere are nitrogen 78 % , oxygen 21% and other gases 1 %.
Q5: describe the layer of atmosphere nearest to the earth surface .
ans :
the lowest and nearest layer of the atmosphere is known as the troposphere. about three fourths of the mass of atmosphere is contained within this layer . this is the sphere in which change related to weather conditions occur . it protect us from the heat of the sun during the day and keep the earth warm at night . the extent of this layer is about 10 km above the two poles . most of the water vapour , dust particles and clouds are found in this layer . the upper limit of troposphere is called the tropopausese.
Q6: what do you understand by climate? how is it different from weather ?
the climate can be defined as the sum total of all the weather conditions prevailing over a layer area over a considerably ling period of time . the climate stand for a generalised picture of the sea weather conditions of a generalised picture of weather conditions of a given place , hence the some . they are temperature , pressure . wind speed and direction humidity , precipitation , sun shine , etc, we usually get information about the weather from weather reports and forecasts published in newspaper . or bread easts over radio and television let us now learn about some of the elements that determine weather and climate. the closely related to each other . but weather should not be confused with climate .
Q7: briefly discuss the factors that affect temperature on the surface of the earth.
Temperature varies from place to place on our earth . there are some factors which control the distribution of temperature on the surface of the earth .
Q8: Into how many heat zones can the earth be divided ? explain with a diagram.
Heating of the Atmosphere :
1: RADIATION :- direct heating .
2: CONDUCTION :- heating through contact .
3: CONVECTION :- heated becomes lighted and rises transfer heat.
4: ADVECTION :- wind move froma worm jocooler regon and increases the temperature .