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Ncert class 7 geography solutions, rocks and minerals questions and answers pdf

Ncert class 7 geography solutions, rocks and minerals questions and answers pdf

आज मै आप सभी क़ो क्लास -7 क़े एक विषय - जियोग्राफी ( भूगोल ) क़े एक अध्याय = ' Rocks and Material ' क़े सभी प्रश्नों का उत्तर, ये पोस्ट आपके लिए फायदेमंद होने वाला हैं इस आप हमें फ़ॉलो कर ले, फ़ॉलो करने क़े लिए इस पोस्ट क़े सबसे निचे चले जाये, और फ़ॉलो बटन दो दबा कर हमें फ़ॉलो कर ले।

Class -7, Geography, Chapter-" Rocks and Material "

Q1:-wha are minerals ? 
 ans : Minerals are the natureal inorganic substance with definite chemically formed and organically formed .

Q2:-in how many layers can earth be classified ? name the layers ?

ans : 
 Earth has mainly three layers :- crust , Montle , and core. 

Q3:-what is the range of temperature in the core of the earth ? 

the temperature in the core range from 2200°c to above 5500°c.

Q4:-what are chemically formed sedimentary rocks?

the chemically formed of sedimentary rocks are salt . gypsum etc .

 Q5:-. how does rock cycle occur ?

the three categories of rock are constantly forming from one another in a constantly circuit which know as the rock cycle . when the ingenious rock are exposed to weather change . they are broken and eroded and give birh to the sedimentary rock. due to excessive beat and pressure , these rock further undergo a change into metamorphic rock . thus this cycle change from one type of rock into another is called rock cycle . 

Q6 : what do you know about the igneous rocks ? 

Igneous rock are also called primary rocks because they were formed first . its lation word . unguis meaning fire. these rock are formed by the proccess of solidification of molten rock material called magma . most rocks found on the earth to this category : 
there are two type : 
1. Extrusive igneous rocks .'
2. intrusive igneous rocks .

Q7: how does the formation of sedimentary rocks take place ? 
Sedimentary rocks are also know as secondary rocks because they are formed for the sediments derived from the pre existing rock are exposed to the forces of nature. these forces break the rock on the surface of the earth into small pieces . these small pieces turn to tiny particles with time ,. these tiny particles are transported by the agents of nature like river or winds and are deposite at certain places . the depositio of such material occurs in layers , that is why they are called stratified or sedimentary rock .

Q8:- how are rocks useful for us ? 
Rock that contain minerals which can given us metals are called one . 

Q9:-describe the mantle layer . 
the mantle lics beneath the crust and its depth exlends upto 2900 km . it is composed of dence and rigid rocks and has pre dominance of minerals like magnesium , iron and siicon . molten rock called magma are present in this layer mantle is alsi known as the Asthenosphere .

Q10:-Explane the main features of metamorphic rocks ?
the meaning of metamorphic is changed pr altered ; these rocks are either igneous or sedimentary rocks , which have undergone a change due to excessive heat or pressure . due to excessive heat , limestone into marble and sandstone change to quartzite metamorphic rocks ar every hard .


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