Life in Tropical and Subtropical Regions Class 7 Notes
आज मै आप सभी क़ो क्लास -7 क़े एक विषय -भूगोल का एक अध्याय = life in tropical and subtropical regions क़े सभी प्रश्नों का उत्तर ले कर आया हूँ, आप इसे अच्छे से याद कर ले और अपने कॉपी पर नोट्स कर ले, धन्यवाद
Q1: why has the Amazon basin never been densely population ?
Because of the uncomfortable climate, the dense forest cover , poor transport facilities and outbreak of diseases like malaria and yellow fever . the amazon basin has never been denely population . the primitive tribals live in the heartlands of the forests .
Q2: what kind of climate is found in Amazon basin ?
Amazon basin experiences hot and wet climate throughout the years . it rains almost everyday in the afternoon and the average annual rainfall is 200cm.
Q3: where is the Amazon basin situated ?
the amazon basin is bounded by the guiana highlands in the south . the river amazon is the world largest river in terms of volume of water .
Q4: what are the sunderbans ? why are they so called ?
the delta region has large areas of Vidal forests or mangroves . these forests are called the sunderbans . they are so called due to the sundarban tree which grows abundantly in this region.
Q5: mantion the important crops grown in the ganga brahmaputra basin .
cotton , wheat and sugarcane are the main crops on the western side of the ganga plain while sugarcane , rice and jute are grown on the eastern side of gang a plain rice and jute are the main crops of brahmaputra plain . A good variety of other crops are also grown here.
Q6: describe the animal life of the amazon rain forest .
the amazon rainforest are rich in wildlife . a variety of monkey live on the treetop . other animals include tapirs . ant eaters , Armadillos , alligators and many species of bats including blood drinking vampires .
Q7; describe the life of the tribals living in the amazon basin .
ans: the primitive tribals live in the heartlands of the forest . they get their food by hunting , fishing and forest gathering , due to the oppressive heat and humidity . it is uncomfortable to cover their body , so they use a small piece of cloth around their waist , they live in small thatched houses built on raised platform . Hammocks ar swinging rest couches area familiar sight of these places . Advancement in certain regions have created better conditions of life . houses on stilt to protect them from water and lucking animals . their houses are made of mud and wood .